

September 3, 2022

show lights with black background


The DEKA Science

The Greeks were the first on record to gamify and test fitness and the Greek term DEKA means Ten.

With our 10 DEKA Zones, we’re  providing a well rounded functional test for all levels of fitness. Every zone is based on rudimentary movements that don’t require any specific training or education to complete. Think thousands of years ago when it wasn’t called exercise, fitness, or training. It was survival. Lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, kneeling, jumping/stepping/climbing over something, getting down on the ground and standing back up, and three basic forms of transportation – row, ski, & cycle.


Training with purpose before and in between each DEKA Mark test/event provides an opportunity for every level of fitness to improve in these 10 functional areas of movement. As DEKA Marks (time/score) improve, well rounded fitness and health & wellness improves.

The zone sequence and flow is designed to start with basic movements throughout the early zones that when combined target the entire body and then finish with zones 6-10 with the last 5 requiring 100% full body focus for each zone.

Why Should YOU Compete?

DEKA events are not just a competition, they are a milestone of your fitness journey. In the same arena, on the same day, using the exact standards, every level of fitness can come together and celebrate fitness.

Having an event on your calendar can be a game changer for your motivation – now you’re not exercising anymore, you’re training with a purpose!

The Benefits of Testing

Initial DEKA testing provides a benchmark. Consistent training will improve your fitness level. Periodic testing will provide proof that the time you’ve invested in your training has improved your fitness. Keeping a DEKA re-test/event on the calendar helps to ensure training adherence. No matter what your current fitness level is, you are an athlete who trains with the purpose of becoming a stronger version of yourself every time you get a new DEKA mark.